Earn $10,000/Day with SQL! - 2022 Web Security & Bug Bounty Course

This course is made from scratch. So, if you do not have any knowledge about Website Hacking or Bug hunting then this is course to go with. This course is not just based on home lab environment like DVWA and other vulnerable web application, Instead this course is completely based on real life security vulnerabilities that are reported on hackerone and bug Crowd. This is the place, where people make thousands of dollars in a night by just reporting one big bug to the big companies like Uber, Facebook, Ola, Amazon and Zomato

What you'll Learn:

  • Learn Penetration Testing from scratch to become a bug bounty hunter and web security expert
  • Discover, exploit, and mitigate all types of web vulnerabilities. Secure any of your future applications using best practices
  • Setting up your Hacking Lab: Kali Linux and Virtual Machines (Works with Windows/Mac/Linux)
  • How to make money from Bug Bounty Hunting and make a career of it
  • Attacking Systems With Known Vulnerabilities
  • Website Enumeration & Information Gathering
  • Bug Hunter and the Burpsuite Tool
  • HTML Injections
  • Command Injection/Execution
  • Broken Authentication
  • Brutefroce Attacks
  • Broken Access Control
  • Security Misconfiguration
  • Cross Site Scripting - XSS
  • SQL Injection
  • XML, XPath Injection, XXE
  • Logging And Monitoring Best Practices
  • Web Fundamentals
  • Networking Fundamentals
  • Linux Terminal Fundamentals

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