How to get Domino's Pizza for FREE in 2022!!


People have a tendency to like things that are free. In a 2007 study, Duke Professor Dan Ariely surveyed 398 MIT students, measuring their reaction to two different types of chocolate: Hershey’s and Lindt. While Lindt is notably more expensive and perceived as higher quality, when given the choice between free pizza and discounted special pizza, the majority of students opted for the free pizza. In this Post, we'll be sharing a trick on How to get 3 Pizzas from Dominos for just ₹99

How to get Domino's Pizza for Free

  1. Open Dominos App and create new account every time you're ordering
  2. Select Margherita + Onion + Tomato, 3 Pizzas
  3. Apply Coupon Code "CHEESY50"
  4. Pay via Amazon pay to extra ₹30 discount

Offer Valid Till - 30/04/2022
Offer is applicable from 10:30 AM to 10:30 PM

You can order unlimited pizzas by using new accounts. So share it and save it😉

Src: hacksxploitblogspot
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